Thursday, January 27, 2011

Nothing Useful

I have nothing useful to say.. Not.. A Thing.. But.. Apparently you throw a ton of versed.. And a ton of painkillers and some caffeine into me and I feel chatty.. And I can't really walk so good at this CURRENT moment.. (Or bend, or sit, or lay down or well.. exist happily.. )  And can't GO anywhere because apparently if you take your body weight in drugs you aren't supposed to DRIVE and if you can't walk around your house you probably should go on a walk per se.. And napping with flu 1 & 2 well.. THAT'S not happening either.. It's a bit of a conundrum rather..

I like the word conundrum.. It always reminds me of the REDRUM word from The Shining.. The original version with Jack Nickolson. Don't know why exactly is just does... But I have to chuckle at it every time.. And sometimes will use it just to chuckle.. Yes, I am just that twisted of a person.

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