Sunday, November 11, 2012

New Home for Timmy!

Timmy found a new home within about 2 hours of actually *trying* to find him one! I placed a posting on Craigslist and a guy sent me an email, a very excited email, that he was interested. I asked him if he wanted to meet. He said of course. And with in an hour Timmy was at his new house! The guy said that as soon as he saw the picture (which happened to have been the same one I posted here) he KNEW he had to meet him and that it was a perfect match for his family. It really did melt some of the guilt of rehoming him away. I haven't heard anything else from them, nor do I expect to. But I'm going to assume that all is happy in his new home.

Now if everything else were just that simple! We've been slooowly looking at houses (ok, we've looked at maybe 6 houses total..) for about a month now. We've compiled a list of things we *don't* like. And a smaller list of things we DO like. But it's seemingly rather difficult to find a house, in a location we can settle upon, with a reasonable amount of features we can settle with, for a price we can live with, with enough but not TOOOOO much space. It's really just a huge mess. We came across one really nice house today that is almost perfect. But it is REALLY pretty far outside of town. I mean. Really. really. far. But is is so almost exactly what we're looking for. But it's just so. Far. Sooo. We're already scheduled to go look at a slew of houses with the realtor guy on Friday and there's another one we found that has some feature that seem pretty cool, soooo ya never know.

And then of course as we look at houses to potentially BUY, we're starting to do projects around this house because we know we'll need to fix this house up to sell, but can't sell it until we move because of the animals and kids.. SO. On the weekends (with the exception of these last 2 because of the Girl's birthday and party..) we've been doing random fix its. Filling holes, taking loads of crap to the dump, sorting just from the house (because all this crap isn't moving to become boxes of unopened crap somewhere else.) I just want to flush it all down the great big toilet of life and start all over again with a great big never ending supply of free money. Wouldn't that be totally great? Eh, I'm tired of ALL this stuff! Let's throw it ALLLLL away! Shovel it all into a dumpster and start all again. Yeah, I know, it's not happening here either.

Anyone else had the "Where Did The Year Go" or the "Oh Crap Christmas is Almost Here" freak out yet? Yeah. I did tonight. Did online Christmas shopping earlier. Should almost be done for the kids. I *think* our plan for this year is have each kid get 1 big present and have that be just about it. The Girl has decided she REALLY really wants an American Girl doll. Don't know why, but has her little wee heart set on it. So. That can be her big 1 present. And the Boy has been wanting Skylanders for at LEAST a full year now. Soooo he can have that for his (not the new Giants one but the now cheaper "old" ones) and a couple of those figures and call it done. If that's what they want to the exclusion of anything else, why not. They'll get a few smaller things from relatives and what not. And if they aren't pleased with the idea of only getting 1 BIG item on Christmas, then they can stop asking for them. Their Santa isn't rich and they're gonna have to realize that as they start to get older. Santa has a budget.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Timmy :(

So, we've decided that we need to rehome the Beagle. Ever since the dog biting incident Timmy has been on the to rehome or not edge. Well. This week he broke out of his crate, chased down the hall while we were out playing, and tackled the bunny cage. He chewed the bunnies blanket and pretty much terrorized the wee creatures. They aren't any worse for wear, but ever since, the dog has been baying constantly so he can go get them and try again. CONSTANTLY. It's special. It's tipped the balance not in his favor. He's a high stung little dog. I think all littler dogs may be high strung. 

And honestly, if he was out somewhere, safe for him to hunt stuff, he'd be a LOT happier. Our yard simply isn't big enough for that. Nor am I going to take him out to the woods and then try to find him again. I feel kinda bad, because he's bonded to us and what not, BUT if the new people (whomever they happen to end up being) take good care of him and give him treats, he'll like them just as much.