Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Flu, the Flu, It may be the Flu...

Cause it's not a cold.. Both 1 & 2 have "something" viral. Something nasty and gross and snot laden. Ok. Well #2 is ALWAYS snot laden but I could write a novel named "A Boy and His Snot" about this one. It's green, it pours, its like have congealed jello only a dark green Jello.. And in some cases.. There is NOT always room for J-E-L-L-O..

Now, the good= They both got the recommended flu shot and boost this year so this IS the "watered-down" version. The better = Because of the amount of steroids and other autoimmune problem I already HAVE while I felt "off" for several days (and I got the recommended flu shot because of said autoimmune problems) and a bit of increased mucous drowning *I* am relatively free. And the Best = Because of our recent behavioral problems and other issues we haven't really been around any one we like to pass this to unknowingly. Because even when my kids are sick, neither get fevers never have. (Like NEVER, it's freaky Dr.s never believe they are sick until they look at them because of that but they are shocked to heck, I think it's kinda funny..)

Now the ugly.. No B.R. I did not send them yesterday because they were acting off. (And yes, I do frequently refer to them as a single unit, because well, let's face it.. A lot of the time they think they are..) And now that's I've realize the true yuckiness I'm glad I didn't. The badder.. I have nerve ablation tomorrow on my right back and had PLANNED to send them for a few hours after that and sleep off the drugs, which may not happen. I can't send them like this. So I may have to institute Movie + Popcorn Morning instead.. We shall see, but it's not looking good for me and my Versed and codeine dreams..

And.. OH wait.. C is NOW complaining.. #1 wee girl, "kicked him inch my inch out of his own bed".. I cry for him.. Ohhhhh ok.. I recant he just went and got me Starbucks.. I must be at least be somewhat kind :)

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