Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Meals..

We've had the Stomach Death Virus Plague of Doom.  It's an ugly little fella that lingers.. and lingers.. Just to linger around some more. (And yes, just like the Death Flu a few months ago.. *I* brought it home somehow.. I'm gonna get blamed for everything anyhow, so I may as well claim it..) I could go on in extensive detail about urgent care, IVs, the current rice and Sprite diet, middle of the night yarking..

But.. Instead lets talk about Happy Meals. Because apparently to 2 kids who haven't eaten in 4 days, those darn little nasty things are the "Best Thing EVER".  Today is the first day both/either have been able to eat without stomach cramps and we were out at OT anyhow and I told them as soon as they could hold food in, I'd get them something "yummy".  And EVER BETTER?!???! (According to a very puny, but excited 5 year old) They give you fries AND apples automatically!! He said it best as "Sweeeeeeet, I get 2 unhealthy fried things in my lunch now!!!!!"  *Shudder* Yes, dear. Today, you do. Please, please don't throw them up.

Oddly, McDonald's got the food AND toy correct which was an added bonus (and a rare occurrence) and those 2 puny kids sat - very happy, with a Happy Meal. 

And now?? We shall see, but they are both laying around like beached whales watching VeggieTales (which is another subject ALL together). But considering neither have eaten in several days and they both just ate most of their food and some chocolate milk, rather them beach themselves than twirl and bounce and shake that all up..


  1. Yay real food! So are you ALL keeping it down now? Because that'd be awesomeness.

    1. We are ALL keeping food down now. Sleep has happened all night for everyone.. 1 & 2 are flirting with a low-grade fever still and are still lethargic today, but muuuuch better than they have been.
