Monday, August 23, 2010


Today was SUPPOSED to be T1's first day of REAL school. The Big K.. But it's not. She's here with me for an undetermined amount of time. It could be forever or it could be just for this year. Seeing as how she is well into the 1st grade math book and reading and writing books already, she may never be content at regular age delegated work.  She HATES being around people and it seems to be getting worse. I am trying, desperately, to get her to pull out of whatever "THIS" is, but on that I may fail. Like, apparently, everything else I do with her. We have an appointment with one of her doctors tomorrow and start with a new occupational therapist later this week, hopefully something will eventually get us somewhere.

On the brighter side of it, THIS is her math page she did today:

 Adding and subtracting with absolutely no help from me. She did it all smoothly and quickly. I was impressed to say the least. Yes, we need to work on writing the numbers a little more, but she's 5 and supposed to be JUST entering kindergarten. And oddly, in the 1 week we have been working on writing, her number are exponentially better than they were.

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