Monday, December 5, 2011

Still Sick..

Yup. They're still sick. Took them in to the doctor. They have the flu. Apparently H1N1 and the regular flu got together and had a love child. They have the Love Child flu. T2 also has croup. He is absolutely horribly miserable. He's lost his voice. They both continuously have a fever over 101. T2 wants to just be held continuously, which heck, so would I. 

The doctor said they will both probably feel completely miserable and fevery for another 4-5 days on top of the 5-6 they've already had. BAD Baby Love Child Flu. BAD.

1 comment:

  1. Poor babies :( It's breaking my heart to see how down they are and how LONG they've been down. I hope you all can get well (and get OUT) soon.
