Wednesday, December 21, 2011


So this post was originally going to be titled "You Can't Beat the Autistic Kid.." as you may figure - that's how the past week has gone. But I had about half of it typed out and then I got lazy and saved it and went to answer the summons of "But MOMMMYYYY" and never got back to it. Then this morning we went to a Playdate. It was with People. We haven't left the house and seen People since before Thanksgiving. (And yes, the capitol "P"'s are on purpose thankyouverymuch.)  The to-do list is just as long. The kids moods aren't really any better. But it's surprising how much better being around GROWNUPS for just a few hours can be even if there are screaming kids in the background.  Not that we had hermitted that long by choice, illness made it necessary, but it's obvious by the fact that I seem to actually like my kids again that perhaps there was a bit of The Shining effect going on. REDRUM. REDRUM. Never know what's going to happen when it's all work and no play and odd topiary creatures appear in the lawn.

Anyhow. T1 went to the dentist again and is down some more teeth. Of course the tooth fairy came and left a small tooth pulling prize and some cash. The teeth that were growing in all wonky are already starting to look flatter and more straight in her mouth, which makes me think that it's *might* all be worth while in the long run to do this whole tooth pulling business. (You know, typical parental doubt.) If it saves her from having years and years and years of work with braces and what not later.. 

T1 ALSO got her ears pierced.

She did remarkably well with it and has been really good about reminding me to help her clean them and not playing with them. She almost changed her mind when I reminded her it was an actual hole they would be poking through her ear, but she wanted to be like the other girls in her Girl Scout troop.  I  had told her about a year ago that as soon as she decided she wanted to get them done, I'd take her.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for People and Pierced Ears! So glad you finally escaped and got to see People! And if the teeth thing works, I'm going to be totally and insanely jealous. M1 got told a couple weeks ago that we need to talk to the orthodontist already. Hopefully you can avoid that path!!
