Sunday, November 13, 2011


It was a busy weekend for having absolutely nothing going on. Oddly, there's always something to DO around here.

T1 started listening therapy again last Monday. Listening therapy is a fairly intensive program (because what would it be if it wasn't intensive and time consuming around here?) where she listens to modified music 25-30 minutes - 2 times daily, everyday for several months at a time. During the time she is listening to the music (which is through special headphones and programed mini-sd card on a player now) she has do be doing something "creative". Sooo. I have to come up with 2 - 30 minute crafts every stinkin' day now too. This is in addition to the brushing every 2 hours or so as well as still going to OT and behavioral therapy every week. All in all it averages about 3 hours of therapy a day or more. Not counting "extras" like fits, mood swings, outbursts, or learning moments. Those can easily add an extra several hours a day or week.

T2 has gotten sick. He's got a super sore throat with little pus pockets, a slight fever, and blood coming out in his sinus rinse. I'm going to have to get him to the ped. tomorrow. This on top of trying to get him adjusted to the new medication jump is going to be super special. He's miserable today, but taking him to something like an urgent care given his problems - isn't going to be all that helpful. He needs to be seen by HIS doctor. The one who believes ME when I tell them something is wrong because of the way he presents with problems.

C had to work all weekend, but even so we managed to get a few things done. A tent is currently occupying our entire living room. The gerbils have a nice clean bed. I got all the therapies, medications, and sinus rinses done despite massive protest.  A cat, snake, button, and badges have all been sewn. Groceries were gotten on Friday. The house is somewhat clean-ish and the 20 loads of laundry done this week put  away. (I swear it multiplied at night. I'd go to bed almost caught up then there would be 4 more loads!)

I admit I am copying this listing idea of being productive from . Sometimes, when the To-Do list is 900 miles long, it's hard to remember what you HAVE done and need to write that down too.                    

1 comment:

  1. Yes... like you said, it's good to see the productivity when it feels like you're getting nowhere. Hope T2 feels better soon :(
