Monday, November 28, 2011

Never Boring..

I must admit it's never boring here. How I wish it were, OH how I wish it were. Between the Thanksgiving holiday, Christmas anxiety (one has to know when it is - EXACTLY when it is. The other is better of not know - until it magically appears.), medical issues, and homeschooling 1 & 2 - it's never boring. Why just 2 seconds ago I had to explain why you can't just randomly learn things from a book (a piano book specifically) and have it mastered in 3 seconds. The specific explanation, after the normal version didn't work, included 4 pieces of wood, 20 screws and Sumo John falling on his arse when only 2 screws are used per piece of wood. The logic evaded what was being built with 4 pieces of wood with said screws but somehow THAT made the point. Illogical logic. Great.

1 & 2 have also decided they REALLY want *me* to teach them to play piano. NOW. Mathematically and with numbers. Awesome. *I* don't know how to play piano. And. Last time *I* looked at music it wasn't "math" based per se. But by golly it will be by the time I'm done with it.  Now. I must clarify that the piano thing isn't out of nowhere exactly, but T1 took piano lessons for a while from a wonderful, great teacher. Megan is a fantastic teacher. T1 got very, very frustrated as the lessons got harder because it's turning out she *probably* has some sort of education learning disability that they are just now testing for that makes it so she can't process past 3 steps in a row. As piano gets harder, there are more steps. Left hand, right hand, reading notes, hand position, etc. She literally gets stuck inside her brain and freezes in a loop. My current theory is to simplify the lessons by changing the notes to numbers (she can't tell patterns and differences in note location either.. Another piano/music learning flaw..) to help alleviate some of the steps to see if I can help her get past a portion of the loop.  T2 has an overwhelming urge to learn it to, so with 2 really eager triers and a piano already, a piano learning, again, we go.  Now, I know there are piano teachers and players alike groaning in misery. Sorry. I really am. I don't know how to play piano. Never really wanted to learn. Really don't want to have labels ALL over the piano, but come the end of the day - labels there will be. 

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