Friday, October 31, 2014


Hallooween has always been one of my kids favorite holidays. They love dressing up. They love candy. They seem to absorb the excitement everyone else has for it too.  This year isn't any different. They've been bounding around for days trying on costumes from previous years. Planning out if the costume should be different from day to night.

I love that they have this excitement still.

I'd made plans for us to go trick-or-treating at an old friend's house. We'd been there several times before, including several years for trick-or-treating.

But not this year.

This year I get a slew of texts from a mutual aquantance telling me that it's just going to be uncomfortable  if *we* show up this year.  I think, surely this person just has a random bee up their ass. Nope. Apparently, not. Ok.

Knowing this new information it makes me happy about a lot of decisions I've made this year. I'm glad I withheld my daughter from Scouts this year. I don't need a judgmental leader in her life. Someone who can so easily cast stones with no knowledge of facts doesn't need to be in her life.  Someone who has no first hand knowledge of what's going on in my life passing judgement need not be in it.

I am happy that we have continued with a Homeschool Group when another family has not. It seems we need to broaden the friend horizon and this is a great platform to do do that is free<R> of the type of judgemental types I am seeking to avoid.  

I am happy the Girl is on a swim team with nice kids to befriend.  The Mom's are nice and several of the new additions are fantastic.

I have never "Unfriended" anyone on FB. Ever. Until this week. While it sounds petty, I just don't want to care. I am hurt that someone I've known for years would judge me based on the words of another. But I've Unfriended several. And I doubt I'll change that. The damage has been done by all.

So I told my kids that the kids we were going to go see we're feeling under the weather and wasn't it going to be awefully cold anyhow? Plus we're going to the best party ever this afternoon with kids and people that LIKE US (for just being us).  So we don't really WANT to go over there anyhow. We're going chill and make fondu and watch a double creature feature.

I'll be with the people that matter most to me. I can create fun regardless of who tries to screw with my kids. But I don't forget those who do. My kids are the most precious things to me, don't mess with them.

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