Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I have none. I'm self-motivated. I can get a lot done in a short period of time or a large project done easily. But I am NOT organized. I may be one of the most unorganized people for all that I should be doing with what I've got that I know. This is a bad thing. Add to it, at T1's OT they are wanting to start brushing. Brushing is a very VERY intense therapy. Hours of therapy a day actually for a few months. The therapist said that it will get ugly before it gets better. This could be some serious fun.

On top of that, I'm trying to figure out how to structure, more soundly that is, their homeschooling. We have books we like - which is a good start. I know about how much they can do at a time before they (and I) go completely loony. So I have a good jumping start of where I need to go. I just need to figure out how to get from where I am to where I want to be to help 1 and 2. They do BEST on a strict, continuous schedule. I mean CONTINUOUS strict schedule. And right now, we have one but it's a little bit more variable. Honestly, I think that if I added a but more stability in that even though it is already so stable, it would help more. Which *I* hate - but I'm not doing it for *me*.


  1. I keep meaning to ask: Have you checked into workboxes? They were created by a special needs teacher to help her students begin to study independently. They DO require a lot of organization to start with, but from what I understand, once you get going, it's not too hard to continue. There are lots of modifications on the theme as well... a good search of Ye Ol' Interwebz should bring them up.

  2. Humm Nope never heard of them.. Must search for workboxes..
