Monday, April 11, 2011


Behold the power of music. T1 is doing a listening therapy for OT and they just changed the CD from one she REALLY liked to one she REALLY doesn't. She had done fantastically on the previous one. Her mood was great. She was sleeping well. She was cooperating with the schooling. She had a decrease in fits. Since the switch in CD's there have been increase in fits, defiance, stubbornness in school, whiny "I don't want to's", not sleeping, fighting with brother, and a whole host of other displeasing side effects. From Music. ALL from listening to music 20-30 minutes twice a day. It's special music but it's IS just music in it's basic form. How messed up is that?  The therapist has suggested that *IF* we can just manage to muddle through right now and not strangle our precious little darling, then we MAY have found some kind of frequencies that are setting off some kind of changes and we will eventually see POSITIVE changes. Oy. One can hope..

And now. I must go remove a fussy, pouting, fit having child from the hallway and deposit said child back into their room.

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