I'm about a week and a half post arm surgery and today my arm HURTS. I'm assuming it's nerves regrowing. I know from my back stuff that nerve regrowth hurts, so that would be logical. My hubby, C, has been working from home since the surgery. Usually, he he gets pretty irritated with the kids and animals while he's home and trying to work. He's been fantastic. He's taking great care of the farm (and we've had a ton of things hatching and we're trying to plan out out spring) and the kids have been trouble (mostly the girl), and I got/am nasty sick with a mild cold then the worst sinus infection ever. He has not complained one time yet.
We have also come to find out the 85% of the fights caused recently between my mother and me have been caused by The Girl. The Girl knowingly has been manipulating mother and lying and because she didn't know any different mother dearest believed her. Well, as one might imagine, this caused problems. It won't now.
The Girl has been causing lots of problems for herself and for other people. Instead of writing her essays, she has been writing love poems to boys. Instead of correcting drafts, drawing little hearts and anatomically well..incorrect people and love odes. I'm going to post them when she's not looking. Because. WOW. Hours of her time, gone.
I apologize for tying errors, this is done 1 handed. ;)
I really cannot wait to see these. I need comic relief. :)