Friday, February 14, 2014

Depression VS Anger

There's such a fine line when anger becomes depression and visa versa. When something happens (or someone does something) that angers you, maddens you so deeply - but really there isn't anything you can DO about it that could be deemed constructive - those are the things and actions that always toy with the anger/depression line.

 I had surgery Tuesday and am obviously starting to hit the apex of pain. Stitches are settling in, the tendon is doing whatever tendons do to reattach, nerves do whatever they do to heal (feel like they're on fire BTW).  *MY* plan had been to take a muscle relaxer, read a book, help the kids with their school some, lay around a LOT, let the 2 other grown-ups who live here be grown-ups and warm up one of the 450 freezer meals I already made, take the kids to their activities, clean the house, take care of the farm. Well. Hubby is trying really hard. He's been insulted and wronged by the other at his every attempt to do anything. So he doesn't even WANT to try to help (which he's just going to have to anyhow because - I only have 1 arm working) and the other *grown up* has been so blatantly sourly rude, it's not worth the breath to converse.

I understand that mental health is playing a large part in the case of the one. It always has in situations like these, but those who need the help always deny the need for it. ALWAYS. There is no point in arguing logic, there is none. They just want to argue. It's like when The Girl's meds are off. You cannot simply tell her that she should stop. She can't. Or trying to force The Boy to talk to people. People aren't meat puppets for us to dangle about. I guess that's the point of depression vs anger. I know what this person NEEDS. They are refusing to seek it and deeply hurting people on the way down.

1 comment:

  1. ((HUGS)) Big wishes for a quiet weekend (and FYI, my autocorrect tried to change 'wishes' to 'wines.' I think that if you weren't dealing with pain meds incessantly, that would be appropriate. In the meantime, I'm here!)
