Saturday, April 20, 2013

Think Outside the Box.. Or.. Eating Witches.

You know you spend too much time around little kids when there is no  : BOX:  when you think of ideas. I was babysitting for a close friend the other night and the girls were talking about Saint Patricks Day and Leprechauns (all mythical creatures get a capitol in my grammar book, BTW). They had made a catcher for their naughty Leprechaun and came THIIIIIIISSS close to catching it.  As the conversation progressed, I realized I was going to have to explain to their parents that I *might* have given the kids new ideas for Leprechaun catchers. I did not come up with the originals, just improvements.. A nice floss trip wire with a laundry basket drop never hurt anything..

The younger of the 2 girls, as I was leaving their room from tucking them in, asks what I'm going to do with the Witches - should they show up. Having been horrified for a little while of the witch in The Wizard of Oz I went with a suitable age appropriate answer.  " I'm feeling a little bit snacky, I'm gonna catch the, and eat 'em." I had to explain how I would catch flying Witches (by the ankle of course), cook (roasted by the fire), and serve them (with a smidgen of cinnamon and sugar), but the wee girl was no long worried the witches were going to get her. I also told her that the flashlight the older girl has was a Witch Deflector Shield. Surely, not a flashlight so the older girl could read that book I just handed her.  I must admit I do love those two little girls almost as much as my own two, they're such great kids. 

I guess it sounds like I'm spinning a ton of tall tales for someone else's kids. And I am, in a way. But they're little kids. They're hearing the horrible news in Boston, Texas, and everywhere else and still having to deal with bullies, and horrible bad things. If I can make the Witches and Leprechauns go away while their parents are away for a much needed night out by a Witch night light and a tale of me eating them? Heck yeah! I do it for mine kids daily. I'll chase monsters away like this for as long as I can, because before too long - they won't go. They'll creep in and hide in the shadows and then stay and be real. They have psychologist, specialists, psychiatrists and every other specialist out there telling us how to help our kids. This is how I help mine. I chase the monsters that are HERE away. I can't do anything about Boston. My 6 and 8 year old just needs to know that bad people have and will do bad things and we will keep them safe with every thing there is. But worrying about it won't fix it. So, put up your Witch light and your Leprechaun catchers because it'll be ok.

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