Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hey Look!

This may come out a bit awkward, I'm on the iPad - stealing Internet while the kids do Homeschool PE, but it seemed ideal since I had about 20 minutes of unused time (which never happens).

The other day a friend posted about a car wreck that killed the mom on site and injured the kids. She knew this woman and her daughter is friends with the kids. To make it more complicated, the driver of the other car knew the people too and they were all headed to school (or so this is my current understanding). Today,  I find myself having issues of what would happen if we ( as adults) just.. Died.   Instantly. Most don't. Most get that moment to say goodbye or whatever. What would happen to your kids? We have Wills that dictate who will *get* them, have life insurance. But the bigger: What would happen? Right now, neither of mine (even at 8 and almost 7) they can't remember to go to the bathroom before we leave the house or change their underwear daily.

Realistically, statistically, and logically this is a non-issue. There was probably something that happened causing such a tragic accident, but still. How do you balance the mortality of it with the logic of it?

1 comment:

  1. That's actually been a topic of discussion on a forum I visit. The gist of everyone's answers is, "Well, um, I wouldn't be here, so... shit. I dunno. But it wouldn't be pretty." There is no logic. It's ugly and sad. I just have to hope that what we have in place works, ya know?

    Now I shall use humor to deflect any actual emotional response...
