Soooo we have Girl Scout Cookies for sale. This is T1's first experience selling anything. She is very excited and very worried and anxious about this all at the same time. Thankfully, through my mom, we have a lot of her cookies already committed to people so we can go and get most of them sold in one shot which will be easier on her.
T2 has an ear infection. He's on his ear drops since he has tubes and it should clear up quickly but oy.
I got my left spine nerve ablation done on Thursday. The versed didn't work. They had to reposition the probes repeatedly and HOLY HECK it hurt. A lot. But in the long run its the best option for now.
And then.. Today.. I broke my stupid foot. It's been a stellar week I tell you.. The darn thing just made an audible SNAP and it broke in the middle of my foot at the 5th metatarsal and wow that hurts too.
T1 had 2 massive peeing problems today. 1 at home and 1 while we were out. It was bad.
Stellar week I tell you STELLAR..
Though the mostly feral kitten did actually cuddle and seem to enjoy it. Sadly, this was the best part of my entire week. Cuddling with a feral cat.. Yup.. That's right..
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