Nope not the kind you have for a play. The kind they put on you at the doctors office. I now have one. It's big and purple. T1 REALLY wanted florescent pink. Like- can see you 3 miles away pink. I nixed that one and let her pick purple instead. I have, apparently, broken said foot REALLY REALLY good in a bad, bad place. I will be sporting a cast of SOME sort for about 10 weeks according to the lovely orthopedic doctor. The ONLY good thing I've managed to muster about this is I'm going to have really toned shoulders come summer. Crutches are good for that. Now another interesting problem is the pants I have that will go OVER my new "fashion accessory" are too big around the waist.. REALLY too big.. and kinda slide down some as I'm bunny hopping so even if I wear a longer shirt (the crutches make the shirt ride up, the pants slide down..) I end up flashing my ass to people. It's really rather undesirable. I'm currently working on a solution for said issue. I really don't want to be mooning everyone for the next 2 1/2 months.
We started the new listening program for T1 this week. It's supposed to help regulate her vestibular system. I'm not entirely sure how exactly... It's a little mugguly (yup sure did just make that word up..) on how listening to classical music with other sounds mixed in would help things like bed-wetting and attention BUT.. It's also supposed to help desensitize her some to other sounds and frequencies - which she has a BIG BIG problem with. Soo even if I don't fully understand the logic behind it, I'm good with it if it gets us there. Now the down side. It is time consuming. I mean CONSUMING. We have to do it 2 times a day, EVERYDAY, for 30 minutes each time. While she's listening to it with the headphones there is a list of things she shouldn't be doing. But in general the list of no-no's are things we don't do often anyhow so that's not really that big of an issue they are things like watching TV and playing video games etc. I must admit that it is a little hard to get both times in each day. Ideally she should be doing something "artistic" or "crafty". *sigh* have you ever tried to think of 2 - 30 minute craft projects EVERY DAY? Yeah, it's a little challenging. Micheal's and Hobby Lobby will be our friend.
If it helps, let me know. I may see if I can get hold of some of that stuff somehow. And good luck with the pants thing... the only thing I can think of is putting on suspenders, and, well, that just REEKS of 80-year-old farmer. Must ponder this one...