Monday, February 28, 2011

Not The Winner.

I didn't win today!!! WHOO HOO.. I've not broken, twisted, mauled, wounded, or otherwise injured myself. Unfortunately to make someone else the winner, that means that said person has. A friend has a detached retina. She wins. There isn't any prize, but she still gets the title of "Winner".

I've decided I want to start doing a cupcake of the month type thing. The only problem would what to do with said cupcakes after making them. I really don't like to EAT what I make. It's a rather odd conundrum.. I'm talking fancy cupcakes, not just plain cupcakes. Like these smore cupcakes. I don't really want to EAT them.. Just make them. I may convince my friend she NEEDS some and then make them when I can get around a little bit better. This foot thing is reaaaaaallly throwing a kink in my baking obsession.

My cats are truly loving my broken foot. The have made a rotation schedule of who gets my lap when.. And what part of my lap depending on what time it is and how many are out. They like it because I have not a lot of things better to do than sit here and pet them. It sounds like I'm turning into the crazy cat lady, but I'm not, I swear!

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