So.. there was snow. Lots and lots and lots of it. 14 inches of it in fact. It broke the records here. And to add to that, has been SO cold that records have been broken in THAT. We have not left the house since Monday and it's the middle of Thursday night. (Yes, it's 3:30 am.) I have a sinus infection.. T1 has a sinus infection. We are sitting watching Little Einsteins commiserating our misery together.. I'm going to have to call and either make us a joint doctor appointment at my doctor -assuming they are open tomorrow - or beg for antibiotics over the phone for us both. To make it more joyous the weather forecast is MISERABLE for the next week. Freezing with several more chances of snow.
Thankfully, C was kind and dug out the driveway over the last few days (I will give myself a little credit and say I did help get the first layer off) so it SHOULD be possible to get TO the doctor office and pharmacy if we can find that ours is open. And I may actually make him venture out for coffee in the morning.. Mmmmmm ccoooofffeeeeee.... I'll call to make sure they are there first though, because that seems cruel..
Now, the kids are adoring the snow. They go out and get some serious play on. They dig, burrow, throw, jump and otherwise terrorize it. Which really, why not?? When else are you going to get to play in snow as tall as you?? And then they come in and take a nice long warm bath. Ahhhh the joys of being 4 and 6..
Schools have obviously been canceled here. Not "ours" though. I've realized that for the sanity of everyone involved we CAN'T. Certain wee folks NEED the stability that schedule provide even if *I* would prefer to be able to fly by the seat of my pants and take a fun snow day with no school and play and blow it all off and just say to the heck with it. 1 and 2 cannot do that. They NEED the same schedule. We've added a lot of snowy fun activities to the day since we can't GO anywhere, but the same basic schedule is the same. It's really boring and monotonously mind blowingly insanely dull for me sometimes. I really ponder insanity some days, but they do GREAT with it and just go from task to task easily. If we get OFF schedule I get defiant, grouchy, pissy, stubborn kids that sob and melt and have panic and anxiety attacks. Me thinks this is a problem and just get my self back on to schedule because ME being lazy not wanting to be on schedule isn't a valid cause for causing them to suffer.
My little snow bunny all bundled up!
He would run and then fling himself face first down into the snow..
T2 kept eating handful after handful..
What would snow be without playing in it??
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