Monday, February 28, 2011

Not The Winner.

I didn't win today!!! WHOO HOO.. I've not broken, twisted, mauled, wounded, or otherwise injured myself. Unfortunately to make someone else the winner, that means that said person has. A friend has a detached retina. She wins. There isn't any prize, but she still gets the title of "Winner".

I've decided I want to start doing a cupcake of the month type thing. The only problem would what to do with said cupcakes after making them. I really don't like to EAT what I make. It's a rather odd conundrum.. I'm talking fancy cupcakes, not just plain cupcakes. Like these smore cupcakes. I don't really want to EAT them.. Just make them. I may convince my friend she NEEDS some and then make them when I can get around a little bit better. This foot thing is reaaaaaallly throwing a kink in my baking obsession.

My cats are truly loving my broken foot. The have made a rotation schedule of who gets my lap when.. And what part of my lap depending on what time it is and how many are out. They like it because I have not a lot of things better to do than sit here and pet them. It sounds like I'm turning into the crazy cat lady, but I'm not, I swear!

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Day of Joy - At Last..

So they always doing something for others will make you feel better. I've always found doing something TO others tends to cheer me right on up. Twisted, yes. Wrong, undoubtedly. Amusing, WHY YES.. Yes it is..  So it was our dear friend Christy's birthday yesterday. And that means.. Prank time. We've been prank each other every birthday for several years now and it's just her turn to take the lumps... It was put together on short notice because I've been to self consumed wallowing in my own pity to remember it was her birthday coming so we only had a 2 day lead time but given the short notice I think we pulled it off nicely..

A lovely bottle of wine called '7 Deadly Zins" got completely encased in a 5 gallon bucket of Jello.

A gift card was submurged in... Jello..

And candies that look like strawberries dipped in chocolate were also completely encased.

Why do we do these things you might wonder? We don't know. Mostly because otherwise life is pretty dull and boring and we get rather consumed by our own misery at times. BUT.. If you throw a rather harmless but darned funny prank in there it tends to lighten the mood a little. Because really who DOESN'T need 75 pounds of Jello for their birthday?? I do owe credit to others for their input, assistance, delivery services, creation services, and co-creations. This was in NO way only ME.. :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Double Post Kinda day..

Because that's just how darn fantastic it was.

You know your day was GREAT when:

As you are duct taping a trash bag to your leg to take a shower and you comment to your spouse how you've never felt this lousy about yourself in your entire life he NODS in agreement shrugs and walks out of the room because he just doesn't give a damn.

Your shoulders burn like fire from hopping like the white rabbit all over the freaking world on crutches from said broken foot.

The cat chow commercial makes you start crying, because why the heck not.

You ask your spouse why he's being an ass and he replies "I  can't help it, I'm busy at work." as you watch him surf the internet.

Said spouse wakes up child listening to QUEEN.

Your house is a mess and you can't do a damned thing about it and you KNOW no one else is going to either.

There are no shoes near by to throw at said "person". (Notice the quotes there.. Yeah..)

For your anniversary of being married to said "person", he doesn't mutter once Happy Anniversary nor any other term of happines nor love. Yeah.. Glad I am married to you too. Conveniently  it is also the same day as Valentines Day. Guess what. Nothing there either.

Yep.. I'm in a good mood today can you tell? And I'm loving life to the fullest..


Nope not the kind you have for a play. The kind they put on you at the doctors office. I now have one. It's big and purple. T1 REALLY wanted florescent pink. Like- can see you 3 miles away pink. I nixed that one and let her pick purple instead. I have, apparently, broken said foot REALLY REALLY good in a bad, bad place. I will be sporting a cast of SOME sort for about 10 weeks according to the lovely orthopedic doctor. The ONLY good thing I've managed to muster about this is I'm going to have really toned shoulders come summer. Crutches are good for that.  Now another interesting problem is the pants I have that will go OVER my new "fashion accessory" are too big around the waist.. REALLY too big.. and kinda slide down some as I'm bunny hopping so even if I wear a longer shirt (the crutches make the shirt ride up, the pants slide down..)  I end up flashing my ass to people. It's really rather undesirable. I'm currently working on a solution for said issue. I really don't want to be mooning everyone for the next 2 1/2 months.

We started the new listening program for T1 this week. It's supposed to help regulate her vestibular system. I'm not entirely sure how exactly... It's a little mugguly (yup sure did just make that word up..) on how listening to classical music with other sounds mixed in would help things like bed-wetting and attention BUT.. It's also supposed to help desensitize her some to other sounds and frequencies - which she has a BIG BIG problem with. Soo even if I don't fully understand the logic behind it, I'm good with it if it gets us there. Now the down side. It is time consuming. I mean CONSUMING. We have to do it 2 times a day, EVERYDAY, for 30 minutes each time. While she's listening to it with the headphones there is a list of things she shouldn't be doing. But in general the list of no-no's are things we don't do often anyhow so that's not really  that big of an issue they are things like watching TV and playing video games etc. I must admit that it is a little hard to get both times in each day. Ideally she should be doing something "artistic" or "crafty". *sigh* have you ever tried to think of 2 - 30 minute craft projects EVERY DAY? Yeah, it's a little challenging. Micheal's and Hobby Lobby will be our friend.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Done with the Pity Party..

I've decided I'm done with the pity party.. Don't mistake this with being done with massive depression, the 2 are massively different - but I figure 2 days of a giant Pity Party of 1 is enough. And in retrospect taking a big test when you have the flu, are on massive narcotics from a spinal ablation, and have 2 kids with the flu and a spouse that isn't helpful  may not be the most "conductive" to test taking.  Sooo And I didn't "fail" I just didn't get as high as I wanted SOOOO *deep breath* retaking the one portion isn't that big of a deal because I got a really high score on the first part. See I can convince myself it's not that bad.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Down, Down, Down....

That's the mood here.. Still searching for something good. I've managed to find a few small things and am clinging like plastic wrap to them in an attempt to not rock back and forth and sob at tampon commercials.. (Hormone issues may be at play here too.. Just maybe..)

Things like:
1. T1 was given the BEST compliment EVER on her reading. Her MDO teacher said that of all the older kids that visited last week that are in kindergarten and 1st grade, she is by far the best reader and much much farther in her reading skills than ANY of them.  And she was really impressed with the homeschool we've been doing. Who can not beam at that compliment?

2. T1 has sold ALL of her Girl Scout cookies in the first 4 days that we ordered and we've had to order an entire second batch. And oddly enough, she LOVES selling them. I don't understand this, but both she AND T2 are adoring going up to people and selling them things. *shrug* It makes it easier for me I suppose but I'm glad she's enjoying it.

3. T2 didn't get a time out at MDO. Yes, we celebrate the small things here.

4. No one has peed on the floor or beds in 2 days. Yes, once again, we celebrate the small victories.

5. I am able to get the reorder of cookies quickly and get them sold and not get stuck with them. We've already got at least 2 of the cases committed to people and just require delivery of them.

Yep. That's pretty much it. How sad is that. My positive things in life revolve around selling cookies and not peeing on the floor. Which is, in itself, rather darned depressing.

Anyone need cookies? I apparently have some..

Monday, February 14, 2011


So I'm trying to think of something *positive* to say or do or think. I'm currently drawing ALL planks. I can think of "to do" lists. I can think of a TON of "why I suck" lists.. I can think of a million ways to Sunday why the world should just end tomorrow.. But coming up with "good" things is simply not happening. Luck is simply not on my side lately. I've got massive bruising from the spine thing still and it's super tender still. There's the whole "foot issue" going on. To make THAT better it's now starting to bruise ALL over the top of the foot and in some odd places on my toes.. Which is odd. Even better the urgent care doctor made an orthopedic appointment for me in 2 days. Which I find odd since he told me to call and make one in a week to 10 days..

Mattie's had a headache all day today. Abby has her on going problems. And this is of course goes along with the never ending issues. Then I get the email that the MT course test results weren't as high as I would have liked. It's just disappointing. I'm going to retake it and get a more pleasing score but geesh.. Several of the things that got docked were grammatically correct and so on and SHOULD have not been deducted. but if you have enough of those little half points here and there for stupid little style things that are completely up to individual people it adds up. But I want a higher score. I just wanted/needed something positive and good to happen and it just hasn't happened. Even when I've tried.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Weekend Update..

It's the weekend! Yay!  We are on day 3 of broken foot-ville. Went to Wally World yesterday and C tried to get me to use one of those auto-buggies to shop.. Which would have been interesting if there had BEEN any to use but all the people who are just too damned lazy to walk had already taken them. And I say that because we saw 3 or 4 people with them. And 1 was the grandma type teaching her grand kid how to drive it. Now, I'm not saying she didn't have some underlying problem, but clearly wasn't too distressed by the concept of having to use it as she was giggling along. And if you are too large to FIT on said auto buggie, why is it that the only things IN the buggie cookies, whole milk, cream, and chips???  Yup. This is me judging your unhealthy lifestyle because you made me drag my broken foot around the store like a freaking imp because you make bad choices and I needed to get some cereal for my kid. Throw some fruit or something in there too for Pete's Sake.. I'm sure you DO have trouble walking around the ENTIRE store at this point, but holy cow dude, I managed it with a broken foot, a bad spine and managed it with out ripping your head off when you stopped in front of me to ponder your cookies as I was trying to get to the cereal row..

Clearly, I may be having some issues accepting the "foot" issue.. c'est la vie. It'll heal.. Probably..

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Week Update

Soooo we have Girl Scout Cookies for sale. This is T1's first experience selling anything. She is very excited and very worried and anxious about this all at the same time. Thankfully, through my mom, we have a lot of her cookies already committed to people so we can go and get most of them sold in one shot which will be easier on her.

T2 has an ear infection. He's on his ear drops since he has tubes and it should clear up quickly but oy.

I got my left spine nerve ablation done on Thursday. The versed didn't work. They had to reposition the probes repeatedly and HOLY HECK it hurt. A lot. But in the long run its the best option for now.

And then.. Today.. I broke my stupid foot. It's been a stellar week I tell you.. The darn thing just made an audible SNAP and it broke in the middle of my foot at the 5th metatarsal and wow that hurts too.

T1 had 2 massive peeing problems today. 1 at home and 1 while we were out. It was bad.

Stellar week I tell you STELLAR..

Though the mostly feral kitten did actually cuddle and seem to enjoy it. Sadly, this was the best part of my entire week. Cuddling with a feral cat.. Yup.. That's right..

Friday, February 4, 2011

So.. Snow

So.. there was snow. Lots and lots and lots of it. 14 inches of it in fact. It broke the records here. And to add to that, has been SO cold that records have been broken in THAT. We have not left the house since Monday and it's the middle of Thursday night. (Yes, it's 3:30 am.) I have a sinus infection.. T1 has a sinus infection. We are sitting watching Little Einsteins commiserating our misery together.. I'm going to have to call and either make us a joint doctor appointment at my doctor -assuming they are open tomorrow - or beg for antibiotics over the phone for us both. To make it more joyous the weather forecast is MISERABLE for the next week. Freezing with several more chances of snow.

Thankfully, C was kind and dug out the driveway over the last few days (I will give myself a little credit and say I did help get the first layer off) so it SHOULD be possible to get TO the doctor office and pharmacy if we can find that ours is open.  And I may actually make him venture out for coffee in the morning.. Mmmmmm ccoooofffeeeeee.... I'll call to make sure they are there first though, because that seems cruel..

Now, the kids are adoring the snow. They go out and get some serious play on. They dig, burrow, throw, jump and otherwise terrorize it. Which really, why not?? When else are you going to get to play in snow as tall as you?? And then they come in and take a nice long warm bath. Ahhhh the joys of being 4 and 6..

Schools have obviously been canceled here. Not "ours" though. I've realized that for the sanity of everyone involved we CAN'T. Certain wee folks NEED the stability that schedule provide even if *I* would prefer to be able to fly by the seat of my pants and take a fun snow day with no school and play and blow it all off and just say to the heck with it. 1 and 2 cannot do that. They NEED the same schedule. We've added a lot of snowy fun activities to the day since we can't GO anywhere, but the same basic schedule is the same. It's really boring and monotonously mind blowingly insanely dull for me sometimes. I really ponder insanity some days, but they do GREAT with it and just go from task to task easily. If we get OFF schedule I get defiant, grouchy, pissy, stubborn kids that sob and melt and have panic and anxiety attacks. Me thinks this is a problem and just get my self back on to schedule because ME being lazy not wanting to be on schedule isn't a valid cause for causing them to suffer.

 My little snow bunny all bundled up!
 He would run and then fling himself face first down into the snow..

 T2 kept eating handful after handful..
What would snow be without playing in it??