Tuesday, November 16, 2010


We all have it to some extent and it's all in what we DO with it - especially after we are adults that makes it or breaks it, I suppose. My sister.. Let's call her ummmmm "J2" (vs J1 for the other sister) has recently taken on a project to TEACH other people how to "parent". Which, in theory, is a reasonable cause. There are some people who need that kind of course. There are some people who are forced to take that kind of course. And there are some people who lack any common sense at all. What I find strangely ironic is that my sister falls into AT LEAST 2 of these categories. And now that she's "Teaching" THOSE people (you know the ones she is magically better than) she feels she can criticize everyone.

Now, what I think she fails to realize is that parenting isn't a race, a competition, an honor, a mistake or any other odd descriptor like that despite what some people may say. It is in fact a CHOICE. In fact, it's a combination of LOTS and LOTS of choices. And the super crappy thing is: You don't get magical powers to see what the end result will be when you make the choice. You don't see what will happen. As cool as it would be, it just doesn't happen. I can name the biggest choice I've made for T1 I wish, with HINDSIGHT wish I hadn't, but - at that TIME - it seemed like the best choice for her. *shrug* Not a damned thing I can do with that choice now but try to fix the ongoing damage she still has a year later.

What I also think is odd, is J2 calls my parents and chews them out for THEIR parenting skills. DUDE... You are 32 years old. GROW UP. Get over it. They were young, stupid and did the best they could with what they had. So they made some mistakes. Get over it. YOU are making some mistakes. Do you want your kid to call YOU in 30 years and run YOU up the flag pole because you are doing the best YOU can with that you have? No, probably not.  *sigh* We all make mistakes. It's what people DO. It's the nature of the beast.

But no one wants to hear, repeatedly, how they screwed something up 30 years ago.  Good lord, I don't really want to hear - repeatedly - how I screwed something up last week. Heavens sakes I know I DID but *I* am already over it..

And maybe that's why J2 and I are not close anymore. Maybe I just don't like being reminded about how when I was 5, I made her cry about spilling a cup or argued about something or took someone else's side in an argument. Because REALLY. Who cares?

And now for your amusement..

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