Wednesday, March 21, 2012


A couple of weeks ago we took a short weekend trip to Oklahoma City. It was mostly a "let's do something fun before the suckfest of knee surgery" trip. Now that we are fully in the Suckfest that IS knee surgery recovery and I don't have a lot of things better to do than sit here on my behind and elevate the knee that won't stop swelling, I figured I'd go ahead and share the pictures from OKC.

We stayed at a fairly cute little hotel with a nice little pool for little kids. Unfortunately, several of the other guests thought this meant that they could just let their kids do whatever they wanted. It drove me absolutely insane. C was nice and took 1 & 2 to the pool and let me go to the fitness center instead after that first time. The pool wasn't very deep either, since it was targeted for littler kids. The kids liked it though - I think *I* may have been the only one not in love with the pool. But they had LOTS of amply sized towels, a little slide, little water falls. It was very well maintained, I just have a thing with pools. And being cold and wet.

The first day we went to G.W. Exotic Animal Memorial Park. It's about 45 minutes out of OKC, but very much worth the drive AND price. We took their tour and got to pet and play with a baby tiger, a baby bear, a snake, a giant tortoise, camels, goats, baby alligator and 2 hour informative tour where they fed the big cats and bears and stuff. VERY, VERY much recommend it. The guy who runs and owns the place is apparently getting ready to have his own nationally run show about building zoos or something like that.

This is a mean monkey BTW..

And for as much as everyone *Hates* Walmart, they donate all of their meat they can't sell. Which apparently is A LOT.

Anyhow. Go there if you can. It's cool. There is nothing to seperate you from the animals but a thin chain link fence. Literally. Soooo. Hold on to your meandering kids. .. Like T2 who actually leaned against the tiger cage and shoved a hand in and leaned just absent mindedly because he does that and gave the keepers a coronary as a jerked him 10 feet back so that the tiger didn't eat him.  (They train them to take meat from the keepers from between the chain link slats. It's a big bad no no to touch the cages.. Tigers will eat you..)

 We also went to the Museum of Osteology on our way back to the hotel that day. It was really pretty cool and presented MUCH nicer than I had anticipated. 1 and 2 both thought it was really neat!

Because if there's something to stick his head into, he's gonna do it.

Anything he can do, she can do better..

We headed back to the hotel after that, we all got tired. Well, not too tired to swim of course. They went and swam, I did not. It was cold. We ended up having cheetos and chocolate milk to go with the traditional Family Movie Night for dinner that night because we couldn't figure out what else to have and we were all tired after swimming. 

The next morning (Sunday) we all got up, had breakfast, they went swimming and we loaded the car and went to the Science Museum a.k.a the Omniplex. I don't have pictures of that because we've been there a couple of times and I was feeling lazy. We stayed a few hours there and headed home to play with the puppies and kittens that were played with all weekend by my mom. 


  1. Oh, I'm glad to hear the osteology museum panned out. I've been wanting to take my two (since the boy loves all things bones and fossils and the girl loves all things anatomical) but haven't done it yet. And good to know about GW, too. Yay weekend off!

  2. As you are driving to the Museum you kinda wonder if you are driving into the depths of some weird industrial & shady area of town, but once you get inside you can tell it's very well taken care of and nothing like the outside at all. Very much worth the visit IMO :)
