Today has been full of interesting gems.. Well the whole week really has been... I'm finding myself saying things I have never EVER ever EVER wanted to have to ever say. Things like: "We do NOT wipe our bums on the carpet, we use toilet paper here." And "We do not call Grandma piggie. I promise she doesn't think it's funny." Now, even better, after each of these statements are issued a rebuttal is also. "But mommy, I did wipe my bummy... I just sat down to put my underoos on and scooted around a little.. I didn't WIPE my bum on the carpet." SO then I get to go back and edit the above statement and make a rule that we have NO wiping, scooting, scootching, rolling or otherwise placing your naked bum ON the carpet especially after going to the bathroom. And then went and got the bleach for the carpet.
Then we went this morning and toured a donut shop and saw how donuts were made. The Tweedles thought the tour was super cool. They even gave them a free donut.. Yeahhh.. So they sit to eat these nice, fresh delicious donuts and after 1 bite they both turn to me and say "We don't like these.. They don't taste like the others.. The kind we USUALLY get." Hummm.. The stale, Quick Trip donuts? Odd how fresh donuts taste differently.. "Can we not eat these and get the other kind, the good kind, the ones we like..? Please?"
After doing a *cough* taste test of the offending donuts (had to make sure they tasted ok and it really was just the kids you know..) we headed out and well.. I got them each a stale donut and called it done. It cost ME the same either way, and well.. If they want to eat stale donuts and think that's yumm-o, well.... I tried at least.. I would gladly take a fresh one over one that has been sitting out for a day anytime..
And next time you get a bloody nose.. Just remember.. according to #2 "It's not bleeding, they are just fancy boogers."
Your kids... I swear... ;)