That's right, I am avoiding being productive. There is an entire LONG list of things I *could* be doing and am currently SOOOO not. Laundry, cleaning the table, scrubbing cabinets, working on transcription stuff. But, alas, I am not doing any of those things.. I am wasting time like it were free.. Which it so is not at my house.
Anyhow.. Tomorrow is a great journey of the children's flu shots. Both of them.. At the same time. I'm not looking forward to it. Really NOT looking forward to it. It has been scheduled for OVER a month and I may dread it more than the kids. I believe bribery is going to be involved. Lots of it if I can avoid the inevitable screaming, kicking, crying, name calling, fit throwing fun.. Oi vey..
On a completely DIFFERENT note, homeschooling is going surprising well so far. (I shall recant said statement once I realize how epically I have failed BTW..) T1 likes math the best so far and has improved drastically in handwriting and reading. And oddly enough, I have heard SO many horror stories from people about their kids and their schools this year, that I'm not really ALL that sad anymore about the choice. Sure, some days I don't WANT to sit and explain why we have to hold the pencil a certain way 30 times.. BUT I would rather do that, then have NO ONE explain it to them. Plus T1 is using almost ALL 1st grade materials, which makes me happy and sad at the same time. It sets her up to have a harder time if she ever DOES want to go to a "real" school. But I'm not willing to say "Hey, honey.. Be a little dumber would ya..?" I don't push her and we work at increments she sets. I figure if she is setting the pace and SHE is ready for it, why hold her back. Sadly, she thinks this also has to be on Saturday and Sunday.
See I'm doing a marvelous job at stalling!
Another interesting tidbit to note, Prevacid will keep clonadine from being absorbed.. Just a little FYI...
And.. I REALLY Love it when the UPS guy shows up at my house at 7:53 pm and rings my doorbell. REALLY REALLY love that..
*ponders other items to help stall*
Sadly, I have run out of randomness for the current time.. :(
I did not know that about Prevacid. That explains a crapload about the fun at bedtime.