Monday, September 6, 2010

Quandaries abound..

Dating was never a strong suit.. (And no dear spouse.. I am not dating anyone, so get your mind out of the gutter.) I'm realizing dating is also involved in making new friends. It's really awkward really when kids are involved too, especially when kids are involved. There's these questions: Do I like this person, do they like me, will my kid like them, will they like my kid?... THEN you get the waka-o-doos..  The clingers, the over-sharers, the in your personal space kinda people. WHAT do you do with those? My personal taste..? I ignore them. We developed a system of X number of personal questions for nosy people per visit in our family (when I was young..) and I like to randomly apply that rule.  And then, make up stupid things to tell people, to their nosy questions. I COULD politely answer or ask them to stop.. But, no. THAT, that would be too easy and well, I do enjoy a good waka-o-doo every now and then to screw with. Up to a point that is.  Then I just get annoyed and apply the above stated just ignore them tactic.

Some may feel that this isn't the "Grown Up" way to deal with people, but anyone who truly knows me will also probably readily admit that, most of the time, I am not "grown up". I talk to imaginary things a good half of my day, (yes, I know they are imaginary - they are part of a game with the kids you freaks..) I crawl on the floor, count on my fingers, play with marshmallows, and chant about "booger guns" on an almost daily basis...

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