Tuesday, September 28, 2010


That's right, I am avoiding being productive. There is an entire LONG list of things I *could* be doing and am currently SOOOO not. Laundry, cleaning the table, scrubbing cabinets, working on transcription stuff.  But, alas, I am not doing any of those things.. I am wasting time like it were free.. Which it so is not at my house.

 Anyhow.. Tomorrow is a great journey of the children's flu shots. Both of them.. At the same time. I'm not looking forward to it. Really NOT looking forward to it. It has been scheduled for OVER a month and I may dread it more than the kids. I believe bribery is going to be involved. Lots of it if I can avoid the inevitable screaming, kicking, crying, name calling, fit throwing fun.. Oi vey..

On a completely DIFFERENT note, homeschooling is going surprising well so far. (I shall recant said statement once I realize how epically I have failed BTW..) T1  likes math the best so far and has improved drastically in handwriting and reading. And oddly enough, I have heard SO many horror stories from people about their kids and their schools this year, that I'm not really ALL that sad anymore about the choice. Sure, some days I don't WANT to sit and explain why we have to hold the pencil a certain way 30 times.. BUT I would rather do that, then have NO ONE explain it to them. Plus T1 is using almost ALL 1st grade materials, which makes me happy and sad at the same time. It sets her up to have a harder time if she ever DOES want to go to a "real" school. But I'm not willing to say "Hey, honey.. Be a little dumber would ya..?" I don't push her and we work at increments she sets. I figure if she is setting the pace and SHE is ready for it, why hold her back. Sadly, she thinks this also has to be on Saturday and Sunday.

See I'm doing a marvelous job at stalling!

Another interesting tidbit to note, Prevacid will keep clonadine from being absorbed.. Just a little FYI...

And.. I REALLY Love it when the UPS guy shows up at my house at 7:53 pm and rings my doorbell. REALLY REALLY love that..

*ponders other items to help stall*

Sadly, I have run out of randomness for the current time.. :(

Thursday, September 16, 2010

New Meds- Help or Hurt?

Sooo we had a psych appointment for T1 on Tuesday and the doctor added an anti anxiety medication to her already special combo of medications. She's 51/2 almost 6. Of course, enter self-doubt. Is this what we should be doing for her, medicating a kid so young. But then... I look at her waking up and having a panic attack in the middle of the night, several times a night, over something benign.. Stupidly benign at that. She's already panicking about her birthday  - that's in NOVEMBER. Will there be cake? Will her friends hate her dress? Will she get presents? Umm WOW! Not just wonder these things but full-fledged panic. At 2 a.m. Nightly. In September.

Now the side effects. We've started on a TEENY TINY sliver of a pill. The lowest pill they make and we are quartering it. Tiny I say. And she is bouncing around like a squirrel on crack.. We had to pull out the little exercise trampoline so she could stop breaking things WITH her bouncing today, which is special since she's a very low energy kid. And then suddenly..She laughs like a hyena. Which we were expecting, because last time we tried a different anti-anxiety med a similar thing happened (same kind of med, just a different one..). But WOWSA.. Hyperactive crack squirrel monkey!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wednesday.. What an odd day..

Today has been full of interesting gems.. Well the whole week really has been... I'm finding myself saying things I have never EVER ever EVER wanted to have to ever say. Things like: "We do NOT wipe our bums on the carpet, we use toilet paper here."  And "We do not call Grandma piggie. I promise she doesn't think it's funny."  Now, even better, after each of these statements are issued a rebuttal is also. "But mommy, I did wipe my bummy... I just sat down to put my underoos on and scooted around a little.. I didn't WIPE my bum on the carpet." SO then I get to go back and edit the above statement and make a rule that we have NO wiping, scooting, scootching, rolling or otherwise placing your naked bum ON the carpet especially after going to the bathroom. And then went and got the bleach for the carpet.

Then we went this morning and toured a donut shop and saw how donuts were made. The Tweedles thought the tour was super cool. They even gave them a free donut.. Yeahhh.. So they sit to eat these nice, fresh delicious donuts and after 1 bite they both turn to me and say "We don't like these.. They don't taste like the others.. The kind we USUALLY get."  Hummm.. The stale, Quick Trip donuts? Odd how fresh donuts taste differently.. "Can we not eat these and get the other kind, the good kind, the ones we like..? Please?"

After doing a *cough* taste test of the offending donuts (had to make sure they tasted ok and it really was just the kids you know..) we headed out and well.. I got them each a stale donut and called it done. It cost ME the same either way, and well.. If they want to eat stale donuts and think that's yumm-o, well.... I tried at least..  I would gladly take a fresh one over one that has been sitting out for a day anytime..

And next time you get a bloody nose.. Just remember.. according to #2 "It's not bleeding, they are just fancy boogers."

Friday, September 10, 2010

During Our Days..

So I'm becoming more and more aware that we are not normal.. We are SO not normal we are "ABnormal". To the point both kids are starting to notice it, point it out, and accept it as part of who they are. They've noticed they are the oldest/biggest kids out during school days, that no one else has one of these:

In their bedrooms, no one else is bothered by noise (and wears ear plugs to help combat this at birthday parties, the circus, playgroups etc), colors, people and so on.. But, honestly, I don't think that either one of them care. I think *I* may be the only one who is reluctant to give up them being "normal", mostly because it would be easier for them in the long run. It would be easier for T1 to go to regular school, but she cannot stand it. She just can't. And then we wouldn't be able to do this all day:

And there is something to be said for being able to build people and sculptures out of marshmallows and toothpicks then being Godzilla and well... Eating them.. And being able to count it AS school.

Or analyzing on the way to the grocery store why we are getting rain from a hurricane that is REALLY far away.. (Anything past 3 blocks away is "really far away".)

Or being able to make blueberry muffins and call it math because you have to measure stuff.

And I can gaurantee her handwriting has improved 1000% faster than it would in real school and we only work on it MAYBE 5 minutes a day...

But, like any parent that's worth having kids, I still worry if I'm forever screwing my kid(s) up. Clearly broke her by sending her to Pre-k (on some odd level, though if she wasn't predetermined to have problems, she never WOULD have had problems..) It's the old quandary of  is what we are doing fixing it, or making it worse..

Monday, September 6, 2010

Quandaries abound..

Dating was never a strong suit.. (And no dear spouse.. I am not dating anyone, so get your mind out of the gutter.) I'm realizing dating is also involved in making new friends. It's really awkward really when kids are involved too, especially when kids are involved. There's these questions: Do I like this person, do they like me, will my kid like them, will they like my kid?... THEN you get the waka-o-doos..  The clingers, the over-sharers, the in your personal space kinda people. WHAT do you do with those? My personal taste..? I ignore them. We developed a system of X number of personal questions for nosy people per visit in our family (when I was young..) and I like to randomly apply that rule.  And then, make up stupid things to tell people, to their nosy questions. I COULD politely answer or ask them to stop.. But, no. THAT, that would be too easy and well, I do enjoy a good waka-o-doo every now and then to screw with. Up to a point that is.  Then I just get annoyed and apply the above stated just ignore them tactic.

Some may feel that this isn't the "Grown Up" way to deal with people, but anyone who truly knows me will also probably readily admit that, most of the time, I am not "grown up". I talk to imaginary things a good half of my day, (yes, I know they are imaginary - they are part of a game with the kids you freaks..) I crawl on the floor, count on my fingers, play with marshmallows, and chant about "booger guns" on an almost daily basis...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


The girl has pronounced herself... Wait for it....BORED... and has decided that she the reason she is fighting and surly with everyone is because of this. How she can be bored, I'm not quite sure. Things are certainly never BORING here. There's never a short of things to DO around here. But apparently I need to amuse the girl some more.

Tweedle 2 has gone back to wearing girls clothes occassionally to "Make Abby Happy":

I figure, if it makes him happy to make HER happy then by golly how can I complain.. Oh, and there was singing involved..

1 & 2 have decided that they want to share a room - at least for now too. Which *I* am ok with. It has completely solved the previous problem of #2 ALWAYS coming in and attempting to sleep with ME. WHY or HOW this has worked, I have no idea.. BUT we moved (and on this, I am in fact using the royal "we" meaning ME) 2's bed into 1's room and Viola called it done.

A therapy sensory swing was also made and attached to the ceiling on their shared bedroom. Yes, we attached a swing that swivels, rocks, and twirls to the ceiling in their bedroom. Odd - Yes. Some what practical for us.. Yes. I'll post a picture of it eventually.