Wednesday, July 30, 2014

To Be..

Overnight a friend had a family emergency. It's really only a jumping point for me (so read about it here if you want to) when I realized that I am happy she had so many people ready to help her. It means I have nice, kind friends who people fall over willing to help. I have friends that would do the same in an emergency as well. I don't have many that consider *me* that close. I guess I should consider it a benefit, I don't get asked to help with things that may be unsavory. I guess, in a lot of ways, this is why I like puppies. You feel like you can make them happy. You can DO something for them. You can change their bad behavior. You can DO things with dogs and puppies and they make you feel appreciated, loved, needed, wanted. There's never that question of motive with puppies. If you treat them well, they reward you with unfailing loyalty.

The good news is Rosie is making fantastic training progress for being 10 weeks. She sits, drops, comes, come in, go out, get off. We'll get her second set of shots and then be able to start her formal training in a class. 

I suspect she's stronger willed than we've given her credit for. I was going to crate train her this week. The first 2 nights she howled, yelped, barked, and cried for no less than 8 hours. Yes. 8 hours. She was in there 8 1/2 . I swear she barely paused to breath. I checked her several times. She was fine, just loud. The next night? 6. Really?? But, she really is just so cute and loving. I really do like her.

The bad news is the kids have been rancorous monsters this week. No, not the "ahhhh my kids are sooo bad, they left their shoes on a chair." I mean poop smeared on the walls, paint made into barf bombs, screws undone out of windows kind of naughty.

I keep threatening to trade the kids in for puppies. I would never do that, but somedays it would be such an easier option. In addition to the creative process gone awry, the sassy smack talk is ridiculous. To keep as straight face while an 8 year old boy sasses like a 14 year old girl is just HARD.

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