Saturday, March 29, 2014

New Psych

Today we went to a new psych. He does a combo of meds and talk. I set my expectations *extremely* low - given how much luck we've been having lately - it seemed justified. I wasn't displeased with him, nor am I giddy with joy we've met him either. The Girl went semi-psycho, which is good, therapists tend to look at parents crazy like when the kids don't. I did appreciate that he talked to her like a person. Some don't. Some do that "Hey, puppy dog, don't bite me, there's nothing to be afraid of" kind of speech pattern. That tends to irritate me. He doesn't have any good, magic ideas or solutions.

I've noticed most - if not all - therapist have a *thing*. A reason all people who have problems are messed up. A lack of food as a baby, inattention of the parent (there's a story for another time with that one), lack of sex in marriages. Apparently, this guy has decided that "The Girl's pain of potty training and issues in that aspect and continued issues with this are causing her anger and self-esteem problems". And "She shows no signs of Aspergers." Weeeelllll... Okay, well you have clearly never met her for more than 15 minutes then now have ya?

Now, the good of the last of that statement? The years of social training is working!! Fantastic!! She talks, she stayed on topic(ish), she looked near him as she spoke. I doubt she looked him IN the eyes, but close enough to fool his ass. Good for me! We've been working for just that for years. Literally, years. I honestly couldn't be prouder of her in that aspect.  Could she do that for longer than we were there? Na. Would it have worked if I wasn't in the room? Probably not. She sees me and it reminds her of the *rules*.  But, honestly, it doesn't matter if that guy thinks she has Aspergers or not. We know she does, it doesn't change anything.

Another, nit picky, thing he said that just irritated the hell out of me - is when asking about her meds - he asked 3 times if we'd given her a stimulate ADHD medication before. No, we haven't. She's already on anxiety meds, and sleep meds, and other mood meds (which is why we're there: to re-evaluate the meds) and on the third time I say that the only stimulant we've ever given her is coffee. Nothing else. She's been evaluated to have ADHD, we did not assume it. We don't treat it, nor say anything about it being an issue of any sort. He stops writing and turns to me and says "It's never been proven that coffee is a test for ADHD" umm?? Ok? Jolly then.. How about that psych test you all dole out? Does THAT? Yeah, ok then.

The one this I did like is that he correctly identified that her constipation is still an ongoing, chronic issue. He provided a do-able daily solution to resolve it. Now, is this creating deep psychological problems? I'm seriously doubting it. Massive, serious doubt.

He inquired if we had a councilor for her. When I answered I'd been trying to find one with availability, but having difficulty - he simply said "Oh". I would have suspected so sort of suggestion of where to look, a name, a firm. Something. A bit disappointed  there. I mean if you know a great shoe store and you know someone is looking for shoes - why not hook the 2 up?

We go back in a couple, three weeks. I am a bit curious what he'll do when we *cure* the constipation, but lo and behold The Girl is still neurotic. Could it be that poop is NOT the cause of all her problems?!? Oh. My. Will his world shatter?? It would be pretty amusing, I must admit.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was an interesting appointment, to say the least. I guess it could've gone both better and worse. Hopefully he'll come around. Good luck.
