Monday, March 25, 2013

My Wee Boy!

So The boy and his infamous headaches has led us to a visit to the pediatric ophthalmologist. Turns out he is farsighted and "Only a little" colorblind. I'm not sure "only a little" is a technical term, but he CAN see most colors, just not.. all the colors, all the time together. Yeah, I have to claim that one. *Shrug* 

But, he did a fantastic job answering the questions! He almost never talks to anyone.

He's still getting used to them, but even admits he sees a LOT better with them on. Now if only he would stop trying to come up with reasons to take them off. They make his eye itchy, he needs to pee (what that has to do with eye wear????), he needs to take them off while he eats, he surely doesn't need to wear them while we snuggle... The list is fairly limitless so far.

Hopefully it'll just take him a few days to get used to and then we'll notice some difference in his headaches. We've got to get those managed somehow.. :(

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