Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I like statistics. I think they are fun. I think they are fun to manipulate and show whatever you want to show. You can change 1 factor and get whatever you want to show to appear. For example - Hunger. I'm not mocking world hunger. There ARE places and people who are truly starving. Then, there are places where they aren't as much - it depends on who ya ask. If you define it as "the fear of not having enough food", WE are low food secure and will starve according to my 6 1/2 year old.  Have we ever been actually out of food? No. WILL we ever be out of food, even if we are dead broke crawling down the street, living in a box? Nope. There WILL be food at every meal. I will make sure of it. I gots ways. I'm brilliant like that. BUT to an OCD, anxiety person a half empty cupboard is DAMN too low and we are starving.  We aren't. I obviously went over this with said person.

But back to statistics. That's why I like them. You can alter them SO easily to prove whatever point you want. Statistically speaking, you won't get hit by lighting. Buuuuut you could.  Statistically,  a big dog will be a good deterrent to keep you house from getting robbed.  Buuuut not if they just shoot your dog.  Ahhh statistics.

1 comment:

  1. LOL yeah... that 50% empty pantry means that it's FIFTY PERCENT EMPTY. Never mind that it's also 50% full! Gotta love it.
