Saturday, June 25, 2011


T2's room is FINALLY done. That is the longest it has EVER taken me to paint a room. EVER. There are built in bookshelves that were painted the same color as the trim that had to be painted as well and that's what added the extra time. It's not perfect, but it's definitely good enough.

T2 ALSO lost his first tooth!  T1 lost one last week and he was complaining that the tooth fairy was never going to come to him. I happened to stick my hand in his mouth and his front bottom tooth was just the tiniest bit wiggly. He took off with it and wigggggggled and wiggggglllllled that sucker and pulled it out himself. And then of course the tooth fairy visited. T1 is just about to lose another one in the next day or 2 as well.

Cats should never be bathed. Even if your kid wants to. T1 was curious what would happen if we did. SOoo we did. All but Jasmine the feral because WOW that one will tear your skin off. The kid now knows that cat bathing is NOT as much fun as she thought.

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