Sunday, June 5, 2011


I hate making them. HATE it. It's right up there with making phone calls to people I don't know. I am perfectly capable, I just don't LIKE to. I'm not talking about "What am I going to do right now?" or "What should I get at the store?" I'm talking about the IMPORTANT decisions. Like the "Where should we go to dinner?" or "When is the best time to change the kid's meds?" questions. The ones you can't go and change. You can always go back to the store and get something, but once you break your kid - you've done it. Once you've committed to a dinner - there's usually no going back. They are life ending questions, those are rare ( though, sadly, not unheard of if you have pets).  But, life ending ones are pretty easy when they come down to it. Either it's time or it's not. It's very black and white. I hate that muddled gray area. Like currently we are working with "Should we get a minivan right now?" and if they answer is yes then what kind and from where and so on. And then there is the issue of should we sell BOTH of the other cars or just one and keep the truck etc.. Lots of stupid little questions. And *I* have what *I* think is a good solutions, but then I'm suppose to include "others" in the solutions since technically it impacts them some what greatly..

*Rolls Eyes* I guess what I find difficult about decisions is the other people it impacts won't give me feedback.. It would be a lot easier to come up with ideas if I knew what they wanted and thought.. The little ones are easy like that. I ask them what they want and they flat out say exactly what it is.

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