Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Oy My Kid..

My kid... My kid needs to learn to shut her mouth. Today is just ONE instance of when we are out and she opens that big ol thing and shares WAY too much with people. Not friends or family who know she's not quite normal.. But cashiers and strangers. Todays little diddy was "On Saturday mommy beat our dog because the dog was being naughty and then this morning she was going to hit her on the head with the broom to play whack a  mole." Ummm Yes, cashier we've never met, please go ahead and call the police please. Because WOW.

Thanks kid. The dog had a momentary lapse where she thought SHE was more dominate and needed reminding so I was reminding her she was submissive. There was NO beating. *sigh* You can't have a 90 pound mastiff running around playing king of the world and busting through things and she was trying to. We had to have a chat about what "beating" really was. She STILL didn't understand so I pulled up some VERY very very tame pictures of mildly abused dogs and used those as examples of what a dog who HAD been beaten might look like. I explained the theory that the cashier COULD (but realistically wouldn't) call the police should she be so inclined, but should that ever happen we would just show them around because we really haven't done anything wrong. AND we retalked about our rules of who we should and should not be talking to, because clearly the first 5 times did not sink in fully.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I have none. I'm self-motivated. I can get a lot done in a short period of time or a large project done easily. But I am NOT organized. I may be one of the most unorganized people for all that I should be doing with what I've got that I know. This is a bad thing. Add to it, at T1's OT they are wanting to start brushing. Brushing is a very VERY intense therapy. Hours of therapy a day actually for a few months. The therapist said that it will get ugly before it gets better. This could be some serious fun.

On top of that, I'm trying to figure out how to structure, more soundly that is, their homeschooling. We have books we like - which is a good start. I know about how much they can do at a time before they (and I) go completely loony. So I have a good jumping start of where I need to go. I just need to figure out how to get from where I am to where I want to be to help 1 and 2. They do BEST on a strict, continuous schedule. I mean CONTINUOUS strict schedule. And right now, we have one but it's a little bit more variable. Honestly, I think that if I added a but more stability in that even though it is already so stable, it would help more. Which *I* hate - but I'm not doing it for *me*.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


T2's room is FINALLY done. That is the longest it has EVER taken me to paint a room. EVER. There are built in bookshelves that were painted the same color as the trim that had to be painted as well and that's what added the extra time. It's not perfect, but it's definitely good enough.

T2 ALSO lost his first tooth!  T1 lost one last week and he was complaining that the tooth fairy was never going to come to him. I happened to stick my hand in his mouth and his front bottom tooth was just the tiniest bit wiggly. He took off with it and wigggggggled and wiggggglllllled that sucker and pulled it out himself. And then of course the tooth fairy visited. T1 is just about to lose another one in the next day or 2 as well.

Cats should never be bathed. Even if your kid wants to. T1 was curious what would happen if we did. SOoo we did. All but Jasmine the feral because WOW that one will tear your skin off. The kid now knows that cat bathing is NOT as much fun as she thought.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Painting is completely evil.  To be more precise, built in book shelves are evil. WHY oh WHY did someone think they were a good idea?? I Can see their supposed usefulness, but they were WRONG! SO SO wrong. They are too tall. And such a PITA to paint. WHY oh why. The room would be DONE without those darned cursed things. As you may have guess "we" are on day 2 of the cursed painting and I usually would have been done with a room by now. The helpers may have helped a bit too much too.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The last few weeks have been riddled with one frustration after another. Individually they are somewhat minor issues, but they are adding up to the camel effect. To top it off that we've had NO babysitter for 1 & 2 for since around Feb. on top of a spectacularly spectacular spell of behavior from BOTH 1 & 2 I'm finding myself D-O-N-E by the end of the day. Then all I really want to do is become engrossed in stupid netflix rerun shows and become a veggie which SO cannot happen. And then I want to do that ALL day too. If you've ever met my kids, isn't happening either.

#2's ENT appointment went poorly. Basically we're in the same holding pattern as before. He's going to keep getting sinus infections and there's not a damned thing to do about them. His allergy testing came back completely negative. The ENT rejects every possible suggestion and has no idea what else to do.

#1's Therapies aren't going well. She started at a new therapist and has been having panic attacks all week because of one of her therapy tasks that she can't do because of her OCD.

Someone keeps stealing our trash cans. Why? Heck if I know. But we are down 3 so far.

My foot swells every time it threatens to rain. It's fluffy and sore to walk on 100% of the time with rain. How's that for a rain-o-meter?

The constant daily routine that we have to do every single day is a chore. *sigh* I mean. It's one thing to have a "daily routine" and then A Daily Routine. One is a habit. The other is.... Painfully exhausting at times. Because it's not *my* routine and heaven forbid I skip a step. OMG if I skip a step...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I hate making them. HATE it. It's right up there with making phone calls to people I don't know. I am perfectly capable, I just don't LIKE to. I'm not talking about "What am I going to do right now?" or "What should I get at the store?" I'm talking about the IMPORTANT decisions. Like the "Where should we go to dinner?" or "When is the best time to change the kid's meds?" questions. The ones you can't go and change. You can always go back to the store and get something, but once you break your kid - you've done it. Once you've committed to a dinner - there's usually no going back. They are life ending questions, those are rare ( though, sadly, not unheard of if you have pets).  But, life ending ones are pretty easy when they come down to it. Either it's time or it's not. It's very black and white. I hate that muddled gray area. Like currently we are working with "Should we get a minivan right now?" and if they answer is yes then what kind and from where and so on. And then there is the issue of should we sell BOTH of the other cars or just one and keep the truck etc.. Lots of stupid little questions. And *I* have what *I* think is a good solutions, but then I'm suppose to include "others" in the solutions since technically it impacts them some what greatly..

*Rolls Eyes* I guess what I find difficult about decisions is the other people it impacts won't give me feedback.. It would be a lot easier to come up with ideas if I knew what they wanted and thought.. The little ones are easy like that. I ask them what they want and they flat out say exactly what it is.