The goals I we are attempting to make this month are as follows:
Complete Unit 1 and be able to spell 85% of the words correctly and know the
meaning of them.
Complete a lesson at least 12 lessons successfully.
*Math: Complete
and correct errors on units 1 and 2.
Enrichment: Complete and correct errors on Units 1 and 2.
Complete 1 book report on chosen book from list.
*Reading: Complete
a reading lesson daily with a 95% success rate.
Show progress by completing 8 pages in a legible manner.
Will pick one specific scientific item (fossils, minerals, bones, leaves,
lions, skin,..) and successfully create a presentation on this item.
Complete a weekly art project to reflect different art styles and techniques.
Arts/English: Complete the current book in 2 months. (The end of February.)
Complete at least 4 lessons this month.
* Geography:
Complete at least 4 lessons this month.
These seem a little lofty compared to the entire last year when we had NO goals what so ever. The kids are very capable of this though. Then I took these goals and broke it into weekly/daily goals that look like this:
Monday – January
6, 2014 – Spanish, Spelling Pretest,
Spelling pg 6-9, English 208 read 210 do 211. Math 1,2 Enrichment 1, Reading 92,93. Pick
book for Book report. I will give you a choice of books.
Tuesday – January
7, 2014 – History, Spelling 10,11 English 212,213, Cursive handwriting 4-5.
Math 3,4 Enrichment 2 reading 94,95
Wednesday – January
8, 2014- Geography, Spanish, English
214, 215, Math 5,6 Enrichment 3 Reading
Thursday – January
9, 2014 – Art , Spelling test. English 216,217,
Cursive handwriting 6-7. Math 7,8 Enrichment 4, Reading 98, 99
Friday –
January 10, 2014 – Science, Spanish, spelling pretest, Spelling 12,13. English 218,219. Math 9, 10 Enrichment 5,
Reading 100, 101
I'll have these printed out for each kid so they can get to it easily and see it and hopefully learn to self-manage time. Right now they both need a lot of prompting to get things done in a timely manner. I'm debating whether or not I should do the entire month or do it week by week to allow for variances that may occur. Whether or not to build in breaks for illnesses or play-days is a big question too.
I'm sure I'll find out after this week! Eeeek :)
Fingers crossed! I usually do mine week by week because sometimes they get ahead and sometimes we have to make 'electives' wait due to time issues. I don't build in breaks unless I know there's an upcoming field trip or something, but eh, sometimes stuff happens. February and March are going to kill me.