Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pictures! At last!!

*SQUEE* I finally got the kids to hold still long enough to get some picture of them! Ok, I may have bribed them to hold still long enough. Whatever. I even got the Girl to brush that nasty hair of her so she doesn't look like a stow-a-way squirrel!

 The Girl. Looking relatively gorgeous even! 

The Boy. Playing with an ant. What else *would* he do??

Then, then I tried to get them to take a few pictures together and this is what I got:
 The Boy eating The Girl's brain. 

 The Girl thinking that The Boy being a Zombie is HILARIOUS..

 MORE hilarious laughter as the Zombie farted while eating The Girl's brain. (I kid you not, a loud deadly toot caused more laughter than a toot should EVER cause!)

All was giggles and grins until I said "Hey, can you stand NEXT to her and smile?" I *thought* it was a harmless request. I then got THIS gem:

Then this:

Oh and then this one where it looks like he's holding his breath. I think this time SHE tooted. Yeah. They're gassy. 

My favorite though?? This pearl. I should change their names to *Eye Roll* and *Stink Eye*  because that's what they've mastered here. I'm going to save this picture until they're about 15 &16 and want to go out on a date then pull this out when the boy or girl comes over. Because. Wow.  But look! They're both making eye contact with me AT THE SAME TIME! That never happens :p 

1 comment:

  1. That last picture is definitely a classic. Your kids are awesome.
