The house is all awake and a tizzy tonight from this:
This thing had snuck up to the house looking for tasty snacks. The outside puppies were doing their job and trying to get at it and kept barking at it - which they never bark - and we kept going out to see what was wrong. The first time the goat had jumped over to the duck yard but the second and third times we didn't see anything. The fourth time we saw Mr. Kitty (the stray that won't let us touch it) walking circles around this and this fella. Yeah. Eww.
Now, all 4 dogs are up and antsy, the kids are both up (because 1 was already up and I think she woke him up), my mom woke up with the in and outting and barking and rooster crowing.. And there are 2 roosters in the garage who think it's waking time. *sigh*
*My* method was to shoot it, but C said to just scare it off. He said gun shots at 4 am near town were *bad*. He never lets me have any fun. Unfortunately, I think it's come back (since the puppies are barking again) and we're going to have to trap it and do something with it. I have no idea what you do with them after you trap them though.
You're going to have to shoot it or trap it. It'll be after the food, and possum bites are vicious, and they LOVE to live inside buildings... i.e. under your house, in your shed. Call the Fish & Wildlife folks and see if they have any good ideas about trapping/relocating possums. Good luck. They're damned nuisances.