Sunday, September 22, 2013

What a Weekend..

This weekend was wicked. Both kids have been puny. The animals have been wacky. It's the first day of Autumn.


Monroe is *probably* in heat and we've had to separate her and her Adams which is turning out to be a very loud (ie they are barking in their sadness) endeavor. We do NOT want puppies right now - we are aiming for spring - so a necessary task.We've had to completely rearrange ALL the birds. They are currently all in the front chicken yard now, Adams is in the water fowl yard with Lambie, and Monroe is in the dog yard (since the inside dogs are both fixed). It's not ideal, but doable for the couple of weeks to make sure we don't have more babies right now.

We discovered about 5-6 ingrown pieces of rock/gravel/dirt/goo in The Boy's belly button that I had to physically remove with tweezers and actually DIG, dig out. It was NASTY. Only to find out he had *never* ever washed his belly button. Ewwwwww. Actually ingrown into the skin folds inside his belly button. I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to dig them all out. What an embarrassing thing to go to the doctor for! We had a lesson on how to bathe as well.

I got some fascinating news via Facebook that made me feel really fantastic about myself and my life choices as a person. I do enjoy watching other people's train wreck life choices to realize I am no longer required to be part of them. Ahh schadenfreude..

Both kids have been running a low grade fever for about 4 days now. I'm fairly sure it's just a long virus since my mom had the exact same darned thing and decided it was "an allergic reaction to the flu shot", but it's still no fun since they're super grouchy.

I managed to finally get some pictures taken of the kids.

I've been behind this year on pictures and they were both good sports about posing for me.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Oh Possum!

The house is all awake and a tizzy tonight from this:

This thing had snuck up to the house looking for tasty snacks. The outside puppies were doing their job and trying to get at it and kept barking at it - which they never bark - and we kept going out to see what was wrong. The first time the goat had jumped over to the duck yard but the second and third times we didn't see anything. The fourth time we saw Mr. Kitty (the stray that won't let us touch it) walking circles around this and this fella. Yeah. Eww.

Now, all 4 dogs are up and antsy, the kids are both up (because 1 was already up and I think she woke him up), my mom woke up with the in and outting and barking and rooster crowing.. And there are 2 roosters in the garage who think it's waking time. *sigh*

*My* method was to shoot it, but C said to just scare it off. He said gun shots at 4 am near town were *bad*. He never lets me have any fun. Unfortunately, I think it's come back (since the puppies are barking again)  and we're going to have to trap it and do something with it. I have no idea what you do with them after you trap them though.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

School Continues

The kids are still taking swimming lessons and both have decided they really like taking martial arts classes at the local Rec Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Unfortunately, they are in the evenings. I hate evening classes. They make my life longer. BUT. It seems to be working out well so far. I figured out how to get the hotspot to work and can get a crap-o-matic movie to play on my laptop and VIOLA! and extra 1 1/2 two times a week to get paperwork, update this, the animal tracking done and all those other tasks I never seem to get to done. The instructors keep pestering me to *join* to which I just laugh almost hyena like and the never going to happen chances of that. Not only would I be the *oldest* my joints would literally fall apart. Literally.

I intended to get a few pictures of the kids here before too long, but there's no way to get that done without being too conspicuous. 

Other than that, there's not much new going on. They eat and grow. I've been lousy about pictures lately too. Really lousy.

I need to get the kids to get behind a picture day and then remind me to get my camera out several times a day.

Our school revamp seems to have worked really pretty well. If you discount the few days of cheating that is. They both decided that they should *only* have to do the work on the new Easy Peasy they WANTED  to do. Oddly, this didn't sit as well with me as they thought it should. The going back over the entire months worth of days and REdoing it all was a bit of a learning experience for them I suppose. I am now double checking all their work daily. They are still making the same amount of progress in Math, Science, English and Spanish but without complaining because of the added variety - which was the intention.  I've noticed a BIG difference in The Boy's abilities in time and money skills too - which his textbook works don't honestly focused much on (and neither had we..)  So they are learning something in it all.