Saturday, September 3, 2011

Coming Soon.

Coming Soon: The first installment of Super Puppy. Just wait. It's worth it. It's been in creation for a while, we've been working on it and we are ALMOST there, just a little post production work left. Now keep in mind, this is being created by a 5 and 6 year old as part of a disguised homeschool task. I'm teaching them how to train a puppy, create a story line, edit a story to be clear and have a cohesive beginning, middle, end (in a followable way). Show them that they can have long term projects and story boards. Plus. It's a puppy. Who doesn't want to have a super puppy. And the puppy aspect comes into play as well. Those little buggers are temperamental, at best, some days.  But. Hopefully, the first installment will be ready by the end of the weekend as a debut to Timmy, the mild mannered beagle as well as SUPER PUPPY!


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