Saturday, March 5, 2011


As I sit here, staring at the wall of odd things listening to the fish tank needing more water, I realize that I rarely have an actual topic in mind when I start these convoluted typings. I look at other blogs frequently that are well formatted and designed. They have great colors and topics and STAY on topic. I must admit, I can't seem to DO that without PLANNING to and, in my mind, that defeats the purpose of a "Blog". Obviously, these well organized, put together people are ahead of me in life, or they have a separate one where their minds explode in a spewing squirrel too. I'd SOOO love to see Bakarella's squirrel blog. Or Pioneer Woman's. The one where they DON'T get a bajillion people reading every single word the instant it is posted.

That IS one of the joys of having a very limited audience. No one cares that this is a squirrel blog. If I suddenly want to talk about how my kid randomly shoved her leg under her bed and scratched it to all heck.. Then I can, and most likely, the people who read it probably know me and realize.. This is just going to happen. 

I wonder how much money they make of those giant ass blogs too. I mean really, they HAVE to have some sort of "what's in it for me". Either by sponsorship from a product or money or SOMETHING. Curiosity man... It killed the cat..

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