We also got 2 wee little ducks. Mostly because she was sad and crying and well ducks make everything better. And I wanted 2.
They have been named Black Foot and Goldie. Yeah. I know. I didn't do that either. It's better than Daffy and Daisy though. C is a little displeased about the ducks, I figure it makes up for the chicks we have in over abundance and my grand displeasure in those.
The kids are giddy about both. They like any kind of animal in pretty much any shape or form.
The boy is even holding Black Foot without dropping it and screaming.
I must admit I was originally a little concerned about the cats attempting to eat the birdies. And while this would please me a *smidge* it would probably cause mass amounts of trauma. So far the only kitty trying to get at them is Squirtle. He's only really go at it half heartedly even..
We've got a chicken wire lid over them all while we aren't in direct attendance and the cat - so far - has completely avoided it..
Still, best science experienment ever. Something doesn't work, we just have to try again - which with today's technology isn't always how it works. Especially when the time frame is weeks and months not hours and minutes to accomplish a task. To hand hatch, raise, and everything chicks is one of the better long term project ideas I've ever thought of!