Saturday, February 16, 2013


It's Chicky update time! One of the 6 we got (from the Tractor place of all odd places) met an untimely demise. We *think* it may have been loved to death in combination with being too cold. We don't know for sure, because I'm not doing an autopsy on a chick, but the girl played with it for AT LEAST 3 hours the day before and THEN she told me she thought it was getting "tired". Humm yeah.. Less than ideal. But by golly that one day it was LOVED. A lot. More than any other little chicky any where else.

Poor Lucy. (Yes, she even named it and wore an all purple outfit for it - because surely the chick MUST love all purple sparkly outfits.) So, we insisted a new rule of just a few minutes at a time and no loving them to death. Literally.

We also got 2 wee little ducks. Mostly because she was sad and crying and well ducks make everything better. And I wanted 2.

They have been named Black Foot and Goldie. Yeah. I know. I didn't do that either. It's better than Daffy and Daisy though. C is a little displeased about the ducks, I figure it makes up for the chicks we have in over abundance and my grand displeasure in those.

The kids are giddy about both. They like any kind of animal in pretty much any shape or form.

The boy is even holding Black Foot without dropping it and screaming.

I must admit I was originally a little concerned about the cats attempting to eat the birdies. And while this would please me a *smidge* it would probably cause mass amounts of trauma. So far the only kitty trying to get at them is Squirtle. He's only really go at it half heartedly even..

We've got a chicken wire lid over them all while we aren't in direct attendance and the cat - so far - has completely avoided it..

Still, best science experienment ever. Something doesn't work, we just have to try again - which with today's technology isn't always how it works. Especially when the time frame is weeks and months not hours and minutes to accomplish a task. To hand hatch, raise, and everything chicks is one of the better long term project ideas I've ever thought of!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Holy Randomness Batman! There are a billion things that keep happening delaying posts. So, for a quick rundown instead of more delays:

1. Our chicky's have not hatched anything as of yet. If I'm guessing correctly *IF* anything were to hatch it *should* hatch by Friday. We've started another batch of eggs incubating on Sunday, that should have better luck since we have better over all temperature and humidity control and let them sit properly after receiving them in the mail.We're probably going to go ahead and get a couple of chick, chicks from the Tractor place for the kids to play with because they have been SOOO patient with this whole experiment in hatching..

2. Rupert, the puppy, now outweighs both kids. Not combined but is at 55 pounds. He's 5 months old. He's gonna be a big boy.

3. An asteroid is coming and the kids are sooo excited. It's not going to hit the Earth or anything, but you can almost never see those things.

4. The boy had the flu for the last full week and was miserably sick. He lost over 5 pounds and is now under 50 pounds. A year ago he was about 60. That boy is looking emaciated for how tall he is.

5. It's SNOWING!! Hoping there will be enough for the kids to FINALLY get to go sledding tomorrow morning. They are finally old enough and we have a decent hill at our new house! Neither puppy has seen the snow either and are having the best time ever tonight.

6. Our other house is STILL NOT DONE and ready to be on the market. Guesstimates are putting it at up to another 2 weeks, but hopefully less. It's always one thing or another. I just want this crap done with. At least enough to put it UP for sale, we've already had a couple of people interested in it, but can't show it to them with it not being DONE.

7. I need to get my camera out and take more picture of the kids and growing Rupert. I have been HORRIBLE about it so far this year and the guilt is setting in. I want to aim for taking it out once a day for a while and just catch them doing something for a while.. I did that last year and ended up with some really great pictures by the end of the year.

8. I have decided that we need to rename our Bunnies. We have the 2 boys. And we should name them Hoss and Phepher. And we're going to get a girl before too long and we should name that one Anne. Hoss,Anne,Phepher. Yes, yes I did.

I'm going to Attempt to elaborate on these.. But well. Clearly not doing so well lately.