Monday, May 30, 2011

What I Like To Do..

1.  I like to read the Missed Connections on Craigslist. I always feel so much better about myself as a person.

2. Snuggle a cat:
  Or 2:

3. Read a book that isn't just heinous. 

4. Snuggle a kid or 2:

4.  Have a delicious meal (preferably cooked):

5. Take a nap in a big fluffy bed. But I don't HAVE on of those.. So a nap on a surface that's softer that a pallet of boulders.. 

See I'm not overly complicated in what I like and enjoy.. rather simplistic actually.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cleaning the House

I hate cleaning. I really hate it. I hate clutter more. I abhor it. I can honestly say that no one will EVER accuse me of being a hoarder. I chunk things in the garbage and in bags to donate at high speed. Over the last 2 weeks I have taught the kids the true joy of decluttering. There WAS a a small amount of bribery involved and it was built upon the previous lesson of "if you get rid of stuff, there will be rewards" and "if you donate stuff, it goes to people who have none". And they are FINALLY old enough to get these 2 lessons. Between their 2 rooms and just their toy bins in the front part of the house 15 bags of misc. "stuff" including trash, broken toys, toys for giving to younger friends, and donations were removed from the house. Not like little sacks, but BIG giant trash bags full o stuff.

This makes me happy for 2 reasons. 1. T1's meds are working well. Which is the best reason EVER. She's able to let things go and not obsess about them. She was able to sort her favorite items and figure out which were her favorite ones and which one she can let go. She is giving her others to her friend that is younger. THIS has been a MASSIVE past issue and is indicative of her progress. A HUGE, HUGE sign that she is doing better than ever on her current treatment. Her OCD is being well managed - not gone. It will never be "gone", but she is able to manage it, her feelings, and let things go.

 2. Our house is no longer a pack rats nest of useless crap.  15 GIANT TRASH BAGS of junk. Just THEIR junk. *Shudder*.. Now they can actually FIND the things they want to play with, get to their stuff now, and they are LOVING that. 

In return for giving up such an enormous amount of stuff, they each got to pick out a new toy. I figured that was rather sporting. They spend HOURS and hours and hours. Literally. Over the course of the cleaning event, they (and I because really they are 5 and 6 they aren't going to stay on task for longer than 10 minutes at a time) spent probably 6 or 7 hours total sorting and cleaning.  They don't earn an allowance yet (we have an odd marble system that we use) so they each got to pick out a new toy.  T1 got a new "Big" Lalalaoopsy and T2 got the Green Lantern Lair by Imaginex.  They are oddly thrilled to trade the 15 bags for their 1 toy each and so am I.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers Day

Mothers Day was yesterday. For the first time since I've had kids I don't have a bitter, sour, angry feeling the day after. C tried REALLY hard to actually create a pleasant day and actually DO something for Mothers Day that would indicate he cares.

He helped the kids make cards.

He brought me coffee first thing in the am after having camped-in with the kids. I was also woken up to a riveting rendition of "Shake Shake Shake Your Hiney" compliments of T2.

He made reservations to the Melting Pot for an early dinner - which took planning and forethought because we were taking the kids and early is better than later for that - mood wise.

He gave the kids baths.

He had asked what I wanted a few weeks back in regards to a gift and I drew a blank at the time, but still got me one. And a super cool one at that. It's a memory card for my camera that automatically sends the pictures to my computer right after I take them so I don't have to take them, connect the cord, push 3 buttons, and transfer them. It just - does it. I didn't even know they MADE those. But how cool is that??


He set the thing up. Because I certainly didn't know how and nothing is worse than having something and having no idea how to use it and not being able to use if forever.

So.. Thank you Smoopy Pie. I know it was hard for you to do, but I very much appreciate it.

And mother dear of my own, I wasn't ignoring you. But C was going to lots and lots of effort.  And I DO have something for you, it got put in my room and 1 & 2 just didn't give it to you.